Tanning in Richmond, MO can attract just about anyone. Some people like to tan because it makes them feel good—all of that Vitamin D is a natural way to lift their spirits! Others like the color it adds to their skin and the radiance it lends to their image.
What type of tanner are you? We’ve laid out a few of the “common tanners” below—see if you can pick out your profile in a lineup:
- The I’m just here to get a base tan type of person. This tanner comes in at the start of the summer season to get some quick color before they spend the rest of their days basking at the beach.
- The tan line eliminator tanner! This person wound up with a farmer’s tan after one afternoon in the sun and now, they have to correct it. Unfortunately, they’ll be back again before summer is over with an even darker tan and a fresh set of tan lines!
- The catching up on tanning type of person. This person hasn’t spent much time outdoors for one reason or another, but they don’t want to be the palest one in the group, so they bask in a tanning bed to catch up!
- The regular. You guessed it: this person is in the booth all year round, several times a week to maintain their radiant glow even in the midst of winter.
Do you love tanning in Richmond, MO? If so, what type of tanner are you?